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Killen AYSO Region 1096 is 25 years old. Killen AYSO officially became a charter on January 15, 1999.
American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 1096, Killen, Alabama!

News Detail


Dec, 2023

Board Meeting Minutes

Old Business: 

EPIC - we are going to launch in the Spring. 

Flyers to the schools for the spring season. What schools?

Autumn will deliver Brooks, Rogers, Lexington, LCHS, Wilson, Muscle Shoals 

Gina will call schools to make sure we can bring them- Will do in mid January

Autumn wanted to know how to increase 19U girls' interest. 

Can we set up at Dicks for soccer sign ups? - Matt 

Currently there is a lawsuit against AYSO for goals that were not being used. Jason recommended that we wrap and lock the goals together during the off season. I know we need to do this on the small field. The big field is private property and has private property signs already out. - Matt wants to know if he can buy paint and use the paint striper to paint the fields. Can the goals stay out that are at the small field so the adult league can play. I told him I would consult with Jason on this. Cannot use AYSO equipment - 12/4 - Post signs an option - play at your own risk

Region Logo is officially #9. ((I need to send to Chris.)) - Sent to Chris - going to add to banners, website

There is a rebar on the corner of the fields. This is to mark the corner for the spring season. It will be painted orange this week. - Replaced then rebar with tent stakes. Even with the ground.

Banners How Many and Where? On the big field fence facing the church parking lot, two on the small field fence, one at the red light, one at the driveway of the big field parking lot (5 total)

Yard Signs - (5 total) place around the park, road

Will do in mid January

Chris and Matt want to swap board positions. Matt will become the Safety Director and Chris will become the referee admin. Chris is already the referee instructor. Krystal will change in the system

New Business:

No board meeting in January. 

Due to the weather, February meeting possibly via zoom or back at Ricks if not a lot of people attending.

Who is attending Winter Camp training in Huntsville?

Rodda - 

Matt - 

Chris - 

Gina - 

Art - 

Miranda - 

Amy - 

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1096, Killen, Alabama

Killen Park 
Killen, Alabama 35645

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 757-818-4329